What happened to Peter Strong and Mary Stevens following their famous divorce case?


Peter Strong went on to write a book entitled Awful! which was a collection of jingles and poems. While this book does not mention the divorce, it does highlight Peter’s world at the time including the people and things that he enjoyed. One of those things being the famous Delmonico’s restaurant located in New York City. This book was published 1871 (Awful!). He died eight years later on February 11th, 1879. He was 55 years old (Find A Grave).
With a failed marriage stateside, Mary Stevens eventually left for Paris, France where she married Maurice Bonjour de Limoëlan on June 2nd, 1881. She is said to have converted to Catholicism in 1885 and was known for providing her local church with a candelabra and baptismal font . She was also known for her kindness towards the town’s poor (La Revolution​). She died in France on October 7th, 1895 at age 62 (Find A Grave).